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################################################################### This code generates all numerical results in chapter 8. ####################################################################library("survival")################################# NCCTG lung cancer study ################################### read in the NCCTG lung cancer study## (clustered data by institution)data <-read.table("Data//NCCTG//lung.txt")head(data)## Follow up plotlibrary(tidyverse)library(patchwork)# function to plot follow-up by# institution and sexinst_by_sex_fu_plot <-function(df){ df |>ggplot(aes(y =reorder(id, time), x = time, color =factor(2- sex))) +geom_linerange(aes(xmin =0, xmax = time)) +geom_point(aes(shape =factor(status)), size =2, fill ="white") +geom_vline(xintercept =0, linewidth =1) +facet_grid(inst ~ ., scales ="free", space ="free", switch ="y") +theme_minimal() +scale_x_continuous("Time (months)", limits =c(0, 36), breaks =seq(0, 36, by =12),expand =c(0, 0.25)) +scale_y_discrete("Patients (by institution)") +scale_shape_manual(values =c(23, 19), labels =c("Censoring", "Death")) +scale_color_brewer(palette ="Set1", labels =c("Female", "Male"))+theme(strip.background =element_rect(fill ="gray90", color ="gray90"),axis.text.y =element_blank(),axis.ticks.y =element_blank(),axis.line.y =element_blank(),panel.grid.major.y =element_blank(),legend.title =element_blank() )}p1 <-inst_by_sex_fu_plot(data |>filter(inst <=11))p2 <-inst_by_sex_fu_plot(data |>filter(inst >11))mul_lung_fu <- p1 + p2 +plot_layout(ncol =2, guides ="collect") &theme(legend.position ="top")# ggsave("mul_lung_fu.pdf", mul_lung_fu, width = 8, height = 10)# ggsave("mul_lung_fu.eps", mul_lung_fu, width = 8, height = 10)# Fit a Cox model with institution-specific frailty# to account for correlation within institutionobj <-coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age+factor(sex) + phec + phkn + ptkn + wl +frailty(inst, distribution="gamma"), data = data)summary(obj)# fit a naive Cox model without institution-specific frailtyobj.naive <-coxph(Surv(time,status)~age+factor(sex)+phec+phkn+ptkn + wl,data=data)summary(obj.naive)##################################################### Prediction of subject-specific survival curves# ################################################# Median agemed_age <-median(data$age)# Median ph.karnomed_phkn <-median(data$phkn,na.rm=T)# Median pat.karnomed_ptkn <-median(data$ptkn,na.rm=T)# Median wt.lossmed_wl <-median(data$wl,na.rm=T)# Extract the regression coefficientsbeta <- obj$coefficients# Extract the (only) baseline functionbase_obj <-basehaz(obj,centered=F)eta <- base_obj$hazardt <- base_obj$time# Figure 8.2 Prediction of survival probabilities for a typical patient # of median age (63 years), with median physician-# and patient-rated Karnofsky scores (each 80), and with median# weighted loss (7 pounds) by sex and ECOG score.# Obtain the covariate profiles.## Femalezf0 <-c(med_age,1,0,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl)zf1 <-c(med_age,1,1,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl) zf2 <-c(med_age,1,2,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl) zf3 <-c(med_age,1,3,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl) ## Malezm0 <-c(med_age,0,0,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl)zm1 <-c(med_age,0,1,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl) zm2 <-c(med_age,0,2,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl) zm3 <-c(med_age,0,3,med_phkn,med_ptkn,med_wl) # Plot the preducted survival curvespar(mfrow=c(1,2))plot(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zf0))*eta),type="s",xlim=c(0,35),ylim=c(0,1),frame=F,lty=1,main="Female",xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Survival probabilities",lwd=2,cex.lab=1.3,cex.axis=1.3,cex.main=1.3)lines(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zf1))*eta),lty=2,lwd=2)lines(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zf2))*eta),lty=3,lwd=2)lines(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zf3))*eta),lty=4,lwd=2)legend("topright",lty=1:4,lwd=2,cex=1.2,paste("ECOG",0:3))plot(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zm0))*eta),type="s",xlim=c(0,35),ylim=c(0,1),frame=F,lty=1,main="Male",xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Survival probabilities",lwd=2,cex.lab=1.3,cex.axis=1.3,cex.main=1.3)lines(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zm1))*eta),lty=2,lwd=2)lines(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zm2))*eta),lty=3,lwd=2)lines(t,exp(-exp(sum(beta*zm3))*eta),lty=4,lwd=2)legend("topright",lty=1:4,lwd=2,cex=1.2,paste("ECOG",0:3))################################# Diabetic retinopathy study ################################## read in the datadata <-read.table("Data//Diabetic Retinopathy Study//drs.txt")head(data)# fit a bivariate marginal Cox model# with treatment, diabetic type# risk score, and treatment*type interaction# as covariatesobj <-coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ trt + type + trt * type + risk+cluster(id), data = data)summary(obj)# Table 8.1 Marginal Cox model analysis of the Diabetic Retinopathy Study# output tablecoeff <-summary(obj)$coeff# beta estimatec1 <- coeff[,1]# robust se and p-valuec2 <- coeff[,4]c3 <- coeff[,6]# naive se and p-valuec4 <- coeff[,3]c5 <-1-pchisq((c1/c4)^2,1)#output the tablenoquote(round(cbind(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5),3))# Fig. 8.4 Prediction of vision-retention probabilities # for patients with a median risk# score (10) by treatment for each diabetic type.# Lambda_0(t) and tLt <-basehaz(obj,centered = F)t <- Lt$timeL <- Lt$hazard# betabeta <- coeff[,1]# plot the predicted survival functionspar(mfrow=c(1,2))# Compute the survival function for # adult and juvenile patients in control and treatmentadult.contr <-exp(-exp(sum(beta*c(0,0,10,0)))*L)adult.trt <-exp(-exp(sum(beta*c(1,0,10,0)))*L)juv.contr <-exp(-exp(sum(beta*c(0,1,10,0)))*L)juv.trt <-exp(-exp(sum(beta*c(1,1,10,1)))*L)# Plot the predicted survival curvesplot(t,adult.contr,type="s",xlim=c(0,80),ylim=c(0,1),frame.plot=F,lty=3,main="Adult",xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Vision-retention probabilities",lwd=2, cex.lab=1.2,cex.axis=1.2,cex.main=1.2)lines(t,adult.trt,lty=1,lwd=2)plot(t,juv.contr,type="s",xlim=c(0,80),ylim=c(0,1),frame.plot=F,lty=3,main="Juvenile",xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Vision-retention probabilities",lwd=2,cex.lab=1.2,cex.axis=1.2,cex.main=1.2)lines(t,juv.trt,lty=1,lwd=2)
Descriptive analysis of TOPCAT trial
library(survival)library(tidyverse)library(knitr)########################### TOPCAT ############################ read in the datatopcat <-read.table("Data//TOPCAT//topcat.txt")# head(topcat)# median follow-uptopcat |>group_by(id) |>slice_max(time) |>slice_head() |>ungroup() |>summarize(median(time) )
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 3.55
# table(topcat$drug)# table(topcat$race)# topcat |> # count(endpoint, status)# Descriptive analysis ----------------------------------------------------## clean up datatmp <- topcat |>mutate( # clean up the levels of drug, genderdrug =if_else(drug =="Spiro", "Spironolactone", "Placebo"),gender =if_else(gender =="1:Male", "Male", "Female") ) ## de-duplicatedf <- tmp |>pivot_wider( # flatten endpointsid_cols = id,# names_prefix = c(time, status),names_from = endpoint,values_from =c(time, status), ) |># join with baseline dataleft_join( tmp |>filter(endpoint =="HF"),join_by(id) )## a function to compute median (IQR) for x## rounded to the rth decimal placemed_iqr <-function(x, r =1){ qt <-quantile(x, na.rm =TRUE)str_c(round(qt[3], r), " (", round(qt[2], r), ", ",round(qt[4], r), ")")}# create summary table for quantitative variables# age, size, nodes, prog, estrgtab_quant <- df |>filter(endpoint =="HF") |>group_by(drug) |>summarize(across(c(age, bmi, hr), med_iqr) ) |>pivot_longer( # long format: value = median (IQR); name = variable names!drug,values_to ="value",names_to ="name" ) |>pivot_wider( # wide format: name = variable names; hormone levels as columnsvalues_from = value,names_from = drug ) |>mutate(name =case_when( # format the variable names name =="age"~"Age (years)", name =="bmi"~"BMI (kg/m^2)", name =="hr"~"Heart rate (per min)" ) )## a function that computes N (%) for each level of var## by group in data frame df (percent rounded to rth point)freq_pct<-function(df, group, var, r =1){# compute the N for each level of var by group var_counts <- df |>group_by({{ group }}, {{ var }}) |>summarize(n =n(),.groups ="drop" ) # compute N (%) var_counts |>left_join( # compute the total number (demoninator) in each group# and joint it back to the numerator var_counts |>group_by({{ group }}) |>summarize(N =sum(n)),by =join_by({{ group }}) ) |>mutate( # N (%)value =str_c(n, " (", round(100* n / N, r), "%)") ) |>select(-c(n, N)) |>pivot_wider( # put group levels on columnsnames_from = {{ group }},values_from = value ) |>rename(name = {{ var }} # name = variable names )}## gendergender <- df |>freq_pct(drug, gender) |>mutate(name =str_c("Gender - ", name) )## racerace <- df |>freq_pct(drug, race) |>mutate(name =str_c("Race - ", name) )## nyhanyha <- df |>freq_pct(drug, nyha) |>mutate(name =str_c("NYHA - ", name) ) |>filter(!is.na(name))## function to compute N (%) for binary conditionbin_pct <-function(condition, r =1){ n <-sum(condition, na.rm =TRUE) N <-n()str_c(n, " (", round(100* n / N, r), "%)")}## tabulate binary variables, including number of endpointstabin <- df |>group_by(drug) |>summarize(N =n(),across(c(smoke:cabg, status_HF, status_MI, status_Stroke), bin_pct) ) |>select(!N) |>pivot_longer( # long format: value = median (IQR); name = variable names!drug,values_to ="value",names_to ="name" ) |>pivot_wider( # wide format: name = variable names; hormone levels as columnsvalues_from = value,names_from = drug ) |>mutate(name =case_when( # format the variable names name =="smoke"~"Smoker", name =="chf_hosp"~"CHF", name =="copd"~"COPD", name =="asthma"~"Asthma", name =="dm"~"Diabetes", name =="htn"~"Hypertension", name =="cabg"~"Coronary surgery", name =="status_HF"~"HF", name =="status_MI"~"MI", name =="status_Stroke"~"Stroke" ) )## tabulate event ratesevent_rates <- df |>group_by(drug) |>summarize(`HF rate (per person-year)`=sum(status_HF) /sum(time_HF),`MI rate (per person-year)`=sum(status_MI) /sum(time_MI),`Stroke rate (per person-year)`=sum(status_Stroke) /sum(time_Stroke) ) |>pivot_longer( # long format: value = median (IQR); name = variable names!drug,values_to ="value",names_to ="name" ) |>pivot_wider( # wide format: name = variable names; hormone levels as columnsvalues_from = value,names_from = drug ) |>mutate(Placebo =as.character(round(Placebo, 4)),Spironolactone =as.character(round(Spironolactone, 4)) )## combine tablestabone <-bind_rows( tab_quant[1, ], gender, race, nyha, tab_quant[-1, ], tabin, event_rates)## add N to group names colnames(tabone) <-c(" ", str_c(colnames(tabone)[2:3], " (N=", table(df$drug),")"))## print out the tablekable(tabone)