Chapter 3 - Nonparametric Estimation and Testing


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# This code generates all numerical results in  chapter 3.      ##

# Figure 3.3 and Table 3.2                 
# Nelsen-Aalen estimator of cumulative hazard function
# for the rat study

# ##################################################
# Description of "rats" dataset
# Rat treatment data from Mantel et al. Three rats were chosen from each of 100 litters, 
# one of which was treated with a drug, and then all followed for tumor incidence.
# Usage
# Format
# litter:   litter number from 1 to 100
# rx:   treatment,(1=drug, 0=control)
# time: time to tumor or last follow-up
# status:   event status, 1=tumor and 0=censored
# sex:  male or female
# N. Mantel, N. R. Bohidar and J. L. Ciminera. Mantel-Haenszel analyses of litter-matched 
# time to response data, with modifications for recovery of interlitter information. 
# Cancer Research, 37:3863-3868, 1977.

rats <- read.table("Data//Rat Tumorigenicity Study//rats.txt",header=T)


#subset to treatment arm
rats.rx <- rats[rats$rx==1,]

#X and delta
time <- rats.rx$time
status <- rats.rx$status

#ordered unique  event times
ts <- unique(sort(time[status==1]))
m <- length(ts)
#numbers of failures at each point in ts
ds <- table(time[status==1])
##numbers at risk at each point in ts
ns <- rep(NA,m)
##Nelsen-Aalen estimator
## for dLambda 
dL <- rep(NA,m)
## and Lambda
L <- rep(NA,m)
for (j in 1:m){
  ns[j] <- sum(time>=ts[j])
  dL[j] <- ds[j]/ns[j]
  L[j] <- sum(dL[1:j])

results <- cbind(ts,ds,ns,dL,L)
#print the table

#plot the estimated cumulative hazard function
plot(stepfun(ts,c(0,L)),do.points = F,ylim=c(0,0.4),xlim=c(0,120), lwd=2, 
     frame.plot=FALSE, xlab="Time (days)",ylab="Cumulative hazard function",
     main="", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

# Table 3.3                 
# Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimator of survival function
# for the rat study

#csurv (conditional survival): 1-d_j/n_j
csurv <- 1-dL
#variance of csurv by Greenwoods's formula
var.csurv <- ds/(ns*(ns-ds))

#KM estimates of survival function
KMsurv <- rep(NA,m)
##Greenwoods formula for se
se <- rep(NA,m)

# Compute the KM estimates and Greenwood's se
for (j in 1:m){
  KMsurv[j] <- prod(csurv[1:j])
  se[j] <- KMsurv[j]*sqrt(sum(var.csurv[1:j]))

results2 <- cbind(ts,ds,ns,csurv,KMsurv,se)
#print the table

# Figure 3.4                 
# Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimator of survival function
# for the rat study

obj <- survfit(Surv(time,status) ~ 1, data = rats.rx, conf.type = "log-log")


# plot the estimated survival function
plot(obj, ylim = c(0,1), xlim = c(0, 100), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE,
     xlab = "Time (days)", ylab = "Tumor-free probabilities", main = "")

legend(1, 0.2, c("Kaplan-Meier curve", "95% Confidence limits"),
       lty = 1:2, lwd = 2)

#   log-rank test for rat study
#   comparing treatment and control

# log-rank test on treatment difference
survdiff(Surv(time,status)~ rx+ strata(sex),
         data=rats, rho=0)

# GBC study: Figure 3.7 and related test results 
#read in the complete data
gbc <- read.table("Data//German Breast Cancer Study//gbc.txt")

#subset to first event data
#Sort the data by time within each id
o <- order(gbc$id,gbc$time)
gbc <- gbc[o,]
#get the first row for each id
data.CE <- gbc[!duplicated(gbc$id),]

#set status=1 if status==2 or 1
data.CE$status <- (data.CE$status>0)+0

# Figure 3.7  Plot the KM curves by hormonal group 
# stratified by menopausal status for GBC study

## overall
obj <- survfit(Surv(time,status)~hormone,data=data.CE)
plot(obj, xlim=c(0,80),lwd=2,frame=F, lty=c(2,1),
     xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Relaspe-free survival probabilities",main="Overall",
legend(1,0.2,lty=2:1,c("No Hormone","Hormone"),

## pre-menopausal
obj.pre <- survfit(Surv(time,status)~hormone,data=data.CE[data.CE$meno==1,])
plot(obj.pre, xlim=c(0,80),lwd=2,frame=F, lty=c(2,1),
     xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Relaspe-free survival probabilities",main="Pre-Menopausal",
legend(1,0.2,lty=2:1,c("No Hormone","Hormone"),

## post-menopausal<- survfit(Surv(time,status)~hormone,data=data.CE[data.CE$meno==2,])
plot(, xlim=c(0,80),lwd=2,frame=F, lty=c(2,1),
     xlab="Time (months)",ylab="Relaspe-free survival probabilities",main="Post-Menopausal",
legend(1,0.2,lty=2:1,c("No Hormone","Hormone"),

## Stratified log-rank test (by menopausal status)
survdiff(Surv(time, status) ~ hormone + strata(meno),
         data = data.CE)
## Unstratified log-rank test
survdiff(Surv(time, status) ~ hormone,
         data = data.CE)