Chapter 5 - Other Non- and Semi-parametric Methods


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# This code generates all numerical results in chapter 5.      ##


# GBC study
#read in the complete data
gbc <- read.table("Data//German Breast Cancer Study//gbc.txt")

#subset to first event data
#Sort the data by time within each id
o <- order(gbc$id,gbc$time)
gbc <- gbc[o,]
#get the first row for each id
data.CE <- gbc[!duplicated(gbc$id),]

#set status=1 if status==2 or 1
data.CE$status <- (data.CE$status>0)+0

# Restricted mean surval time (RMST) analysis
# with the "survRM2" package

#install the package

# Two-sample testing between hormonal and non-hormonal
# groups on 5-year RMST
obj <- rmst2(time = data.CE$time/12, status = data.CE$status, 
            arm = data.CE$hormone - 1, tau=5)

# print out results
# more compact results

# Graphical display of the group-specific RMST 
# as area under the KM curves
plot(obj, xlab="Time (years)", ylab = "Relapse-free survival",
     col.RMST = "gray", col.RMTL = "white", cex.lab=1.2,
     cex.axis=1.2, col="black", xlim=c(0,5))

# Regression with all the other covariate
obj.reg <- rmst2(time = data.CE$time / 12, status = data.CE$status, 
            arm = data.CE$hormone-1, covariates = data.CE[, 5:11], tau = 5)

#overall results

# additive model on RMST
round(obj.reg$RMST.difference.adjusted, 3)

# multiplicative model on RMST
round(obj.reg$RMST.ratio.adjusted, 3)

# multiplicative model on RMTL
round(obj.reg$RMTL.ratio.adjusted, 3)

# for hormone treatment only 

### Additive hazards analysis
## using the "addhazard" package

 # Fit additive hazards model
## preparation
data.CE$hormone <- factor(data.CE$hormone)
data.CE$meno <- factor(data.CE$meno) 

# Add an infinitesimal random number to time
 # to get rid of ties
data.CE$time.dties <- data.CE$time/12 + runif(nrow(data.CE),0, 1e-12) 

# fit an additive hazard model
obj <- ah(Surv(time.dties,status) ~ hormone + meno
       + age + size + grade + prog + estrg,
       data = data.CE, ties = FALSE)

# print out the summary
 ## Aalen's model
 # library(timereg)
 # obj_aalen <- aalen(Surv(time.dties,status) ~ factor(hormone), data = data.CE)
 # obj_aalen$cum
 # obj_aalen$var.cum
 # summary(obj_aalen)
 ### Proportional odds analysis
 ## using the "timereg" package
 # Fit a proportional odds model
 ## need to convert hormone and meno from numeric to factor
 obj <- prop.odds(Event(time, status) ~ hormone + meno
        + age + size + grade + prog + estrg,
        data = data.CE)

 # Baseline cumulative odds function
 t <- obj$cum[,1]
 base_odds <- obj$cum[,2]
 # Plot baseline cumulative odds
 par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
 plot(stepfun(t, c(0, base_odds)), do.points = FALSE, lwd = 2,
      xlim=c(0,80), ylim=c(0,1.4), frame.plot = FALSE,
      ylab="Baseline cumulative odds", xlab="Time (months)", main ="")

 ### Accelerated failure time (AFT) analysis
 ## using the "aftgee" package
 # fit an AFT model
 ## need to convert hormone and meno from numeric to factor
 ## (will take a little longer than usual...)
 obj <- aftgee(Surv(time, status) ~ hormone + meno
               + age + size + grade + prog + estrg,
               data = data.CE)
  # print out summary
 exp(obj$coef.res) ## acceleration factors exp(beta)