Chapter 10 - Competing and Semi-Competing Risks


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# This code generates all numerical results in chapter 10.      ##

# Analysis of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Study


# read in the study dataset
cibmtr <- read.table("Data//Bone Marrow Transplantation Study//cibmtr.txt")

#load the cmprsk package

# Gray's (unweighted) log-rank-type test
obj <- cuminc(cibmtr$time, cibmtr$status, cibmtr$donor, rho = 0)

# test results

# a naive plot: everything in one plot
# plot(obj)

# obj$`a k`: kth risk in group a #

# Obtain the estimated cumulative incidence functions
# for kth (k=1, 2) risk in group a (a=1, 0)
# k=1: relapse; k=2: TRM
obj.rlp.sib <- obj$`0 1`
obj.rlp.nonsib <- obj$`1 1`
obj.trm.sib <- obj$`0 2`
obj.trm.nonsib <- obj$`1 2`

# Figure 10.2
# plot the cumulative incidence functions

plot(obj.rlp.sib$time,obj.rlp.sib$est,type='s', frame.plot = F,
     xlab="Time (months)", ylab="Cumulative incidence", lwd=2)

plot(obj.trm.sib$time,obj.trm.sib$est,type='s', frame.plot = F,
     main="Treatment-related mortality",xlim=c(0,120),ylim=c(0,0.6),
     xlab="Time (months)", ylab="Cumulative incidence", lwd=2)

# Table 10.2              #

# Fine-Gray proportional sub-distribution hazard model
# and cause-specific hazard model

#change k
k <- 1

#### proportional cause-specific hazards
obj.cs <- coxph(Surv(time, status == k) ~ cohort + donor + hist + wait,
                data = cibmtr)

#### Fine and Gray #################
obj.fg <- crr(cibmtr$time, cibmtr$status, cibmtr[,3:6], failcode = k)

# beta estimates and se's
beta.fg <- obj.fg$coef
se.fg <- sqrt(diag(obj.fg$var))

# construct HR, 95% CI, and p-values
c1 <- round(exp(beta.fg),2)
c2 <- paste0("(",round(exp(beta.fg-1.96*se.fg),2),"-",round(exp(beta.fg+1.96*se.fg),2),")")
c3 <- round(1-pchisq((beta.fg/se.fg)^2,1),3)

### Cause-specific hazard ############
obj.csh <- coxph(Surv(time,status==k)~cohort+donor+hist+wait,data=cibmtr)

# beta estimates and se's
beta.csh <- obj.csh$coef
se.csh <- sqrt(diag(obj.csh$var))

# construct HR, 95% CI, and p-values
c4 <- round(exp(beta.csh),2)
c5 <- paste0("(",round(exp(beta.csh-1.96*se.csh),2),"-",round(exp(beta.csh+1.96*se.csh),2),")")
c6 <- round(1-pchisq((beta.csh/se.csh)^2,1),3)

# print the results

## prediction of covariate-specific CIF
# example 
z <- c(1, 0, 1, 0)

# Method 1
# --- Method 1: use predict.crr() 
obj_pred1 <- predict(obj.fg, z)
# --- Method 2: manual calculation
beta <- obj.fg$coef
Lambda <- cumsum(obj.fg$bfitj)
time <- obj.fg$uftime
## calculate CIF based on FG model
cif <- 1- exp(- exp(sum(beta * z)) * Lambda)
## Same as obj_pred from Method 1
obj_pred2 <- cbind(time, cif)

## same results
cbind(obj_pred1, obj_pred2)