Chapter 12 - Multistate Modeling of Life History


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# This code generates all numerical results in chapter 12.      ##

# Table 12.1
# Multi-state analysis of the GBC Study


 # read data
gbc_ms <- read.table("Data//German Breast Cancer Study//gbc_ms.txt")

# categorize age into three groups
# <=40, >40 & <=60, >60
gbc_ms$agec <- (gbc_ms$age<=40) + 2*(gbc_ms$age>40&gbc_ms$age<=60) +

# B(t): time spent in current state
gbc_ms$Bt <- gbc_ms$stop - gbc_ms$start

# change unit to 10 fmol/mg
gbc_ms$prog <- gbc_ms$prog/10
gbc_ms$estrg <- gbc_ms$estrg/10

# convert variables to factors
gbc_ms$hormone <- factor(gbc_ms$hormone)
gbc_ms$meno <- factor(gbc_ms$meno)
gbc_ms$agec <- factor(gbc_ms$agec)

#Fit the transition models

### 0->1: remission to relapse
obj01 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, status) ~ hormone + meno
                     + agec + size + prog + estrg + strata(grade), data = gbc_ms,
               subset = ((from==0) & (to == 1)))

### 0->2: remission to death
obj02 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, status) ~ hormone + meno
            + size + prog + estrg + strata(grade), data = gbc_ms,
            subset = ((from == 0) & (to == 2)))

### 1->2: relapse to death
obj12 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, status) ~ Bt + hormone + meno
            + agec + size + prog + estrg + strata(grade), data = gbc_ms,
            subset = ((from == 1) & (to == 2)))

### Tabulate the results 

### 0->1: remission to relapse
beta01 <- obj01$coefficients
se01 <- sqrt(diag(obj01$var))
p01 <- 1-pchisq((beta01/se01)^2,1)

c1 <- round(exp(beta01),3)
c2 <- paste0("(",round(exp(beta01-1.96*se01),3),", ",
c3 <- round(p01,3)
# print out the sub-table

### 0->2: remission to death
beta02 <- obj02$coefficients
se02 <- sqrt(diag(obj02$var))
p02 <- 1-pchisq((beta02/se02)^2,1)

c1 <- round(exp(beta02),3)
c2 <- paste0("(",round(exp(beta02-1.96*se02),3),", ",
c3 <- round(p02,3)
# print out the sub-table

### 1->2: relapse to death
beta12 <- obj12$coefficients
se12 <- sqrt(diag(obj12$var))
p12 <- 1-pchisq((beta12/se12)^2,1)

c1 <- round(exp(beta12),3)
c2 <- paste0("(",round(exp(beta12-1.96*se12),3),", ",
c3 <- round(p12,3)
# print out the sub-table