Illness-death model (three states: healthy \(\to\) ill \(\to\) dead)
Semi-competing risks
Suitable if nonfatal event (onset of illness) permanently changes patient state
Recurrent Events
Recurrent events (with death) (progressive transient states \(\to\) absorbing)
Two types of processes
Progressive: only going forward, no turning back (all examples above)
Reversible: may go back and forth (hospital admission/discharge)
Transition Intensity & Probability
Outcome Data
Target of inference: multistate process \[
Y(t)\in \{0, 1,\ldots, K\},\,\,\, t\geq 0
\(\{0, 1,\ldots, K\}\): \((K+1)\) distinct states
\(0=\) remission, \(1=\) relapsed, \(2\) = dead
\(0=\) event-free, \(k=1,\ldots, K\): cumulative number of hospitalizations (\(K + 1 =\) dead)
Life history \[\begin{equation}\label{eq:multi_state:lh1}
\mathcal H^*(t)=\{Y(u):0\leq u\leq t\}
Life trajectory up to time \(t\)
Counting Process Notation
Counting transitions
\(N_{kj}^*(t)\): number of transitions from state \(k\) to state \(j\) by \(t\)\[
\dd N_{kj}^*(t)=I\{Y(t)=j, Y(t-)=k\}
\(0\leq k\neq j\leq K\) (not all are possible)
Life-death model: \(N_{01}^*(t)\) counting process for death
Illness-death model: \(N_{01}^*(t)\) counting process for onset of illness, \(N_{02}^*(t)\) for death without illness, \(N_{12}^*(t)\) for death with illness
Life history re-formulated
Initial state plus transition history \[
\mathcal H^*(t)=\{Y(0), N_{kj}^*(u): 1\leq k\neq j\leq K; 0\leq u\leq t\}
Intensity Function: Definition
Transition intensity
Instantaneous rate of transition given current state and past data \[\begin{align}\label{eq:multi_state:intensity}
\lambda_{kj}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}\dd t&=\pr\{Y(t+\dd t)=j\mid Y(t-)=k,\mathcal H^*(t-)\}\notag\\
&=E\{\dd N_{kj}^*(t)\mid Y(t-)=k,\mathcal H^*(t-)\}
Self-generating: completely determines distribution of \(Y(\cdot)\)
Past data include baseline and previous trajectory of covariates
Intensity Function: Examples (I)
With\(Y(0)\equiv 0\)
Life-death model (\(T\): time to death) \[
\lambda_{01}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\} = \lambda(t):\,\, \mbox{hazard of $T$}
Competing risks (\(T\): time to overall failure) \[
\lambda_{0k}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\} = \lambda_k(t):\,\, \mbox{$k$th cause-specific hazard}
Intensity Function: Examples (II)
Recurrent events
Counting process: \(N^*(t)\)
Intensity for recurrent-event process (Chapter 9) \[\begin{equation}\label{eq:rec:intensity}
\ell\{t\mid \overline{N}^*(t-)\}\dd t=E\{\dd N^*(t)\mid \overline{N}^*(t-)\}
Intensity for transition\[\begin{align}
\lambda_{k-1,k}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}\dd t &= E\{\dd N^*(t)\mid N^*(t-) =k-1, \overline{N}^*(t-)\}\\
&= \mbox{A sub-function of }\ell\{t\mid \overline{N}^*(t-)\}
Markov & Semi-Markov Processes
Simplifying assumptions
Markov: transition independent of past given current state \[
\lambda_{kj}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}=\lambda_{kj}(t)\,\,\, \mbox{fixed function}
Semi-Markov: transition depends on past through time in current state \[
\lambda_{kj}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}=\lambda_{kj}\{t, B(t)\}
\(B(t)\): time since last entry into current state
Example: risk of death depends on how long cancer has reappeared
Homogeneity: Markov or semi-Markov process with intensity a constant function of \(t\)
Markov & Semi-Markov Examples
Illness-death model (semi-competing risks)
Transition intensities for \(0\to 1\) (onset of illness), \(0\to 2\) (death w.o. illness) \[
\lambda_{01}(t) \mbox{ and } \lambda_{02}(t): \,\, \mbox{always deterministic}
No prior data to speak of
Transition intensity for \(1\to 2\) (death with illness) \[\begin{align}
\mbox{Markov model}:&\,\,\, \lambda_{12}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}=\lambda_{12}(t) \\
\mbox{Semi-Markov model}:&\,\,\, \lambda_{12}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}=\lambda_{12}(t, t - T)
\end{align}\]\(T\): time to onset of illness
Transition Probability: Definition
Transition Probability
Probability of being in state \(j\) at future time \(t\) given current state \(k\) at \(s\)\[\begin{equation}\label{eq:multi_state:trans_prob}
P_{kj}\{s,t\mid\mathcal H^*(s-)\}=\pr\{Y(t)=j\mid Y(s-)=k, \mathcal H^*(s-)\}
\(\lambda_{01}(t), \lambda_{02}(t)\): cause-specific hazard for onset of illness or death w.o. illness \[
P_{00}(0, t)=\exp\left[-\int_0^t\{\lambda_{12}(u)+\lambda_{13}(u)\}\dd u\right]
\(P_{01}(0, t)\) and \(P_{02}(0, t)\) more complicated and depends on \(\lambda_{12}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}\)
\(u_k^{(r)}\): \(r\)th time subject enters state \(k\)
\(v_k^{(r)}\): exit or censoring time
\(\delta_{kj}^{(r)}\): indicator of observed transition to state \(j\) at \(v_k^{(r)}\) (0 if censored or going to other states)
Progressive process\(\to\)\(r\) redundant (why?)
Suitable for models on intensities \(\lambda_{kj}\{t\mid\mathcal H^*(t-)\}\)
Likelihood Function
Observed data
Collection of all observed transitions \[\begin{equation}\label{eq:multi_state:obs}
(u_k^{(r)}, v_k^{(r)}, \delta_{kj}^{(r)}),\hspace{3mm}r=1,2,\ldots;\hspace{2mm} 1\leq k\neq j\leq K