Chapter 6 - Sample Size Calculation and Study Design
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################################################################### This code generates all numerical results in chapter 6. ##################################################################################################################################### Part I. Compile functions needed for sample size calculation ############################################################################################################# Compile the following code for function# psi_fun(lambda0,lambdaL,b, c)# which computes the event proportion psi# needed for sample size calculation for# Cox model# INPUT: lambda0 = hazard rate for T# lambdaL = hazard rate for LTFU# b = length of accrual# c = additional length of follow-up##########################################psi_fun <-function(lambda0, lambdaL, b, c){ lambda <- lambda0 + lambdaL psi <- lambda0 / lambda * (1-exp(- lambda * c) * (1-exp(- lambda * b)) / (lambda * b))return(psi)}############################################ Compile the following code for function# zeta_fun(tau,lambda0,lambdaL,b, c)# which computes the RMST variance# needed for sample size calculation.# INPUT: tau = restricting time# lambda0 = hazard rate for T# lambdaL = hazard rate for LTFU# b = length of accural# c = additional length of follow-up############################################ Survival function for censoringGfun <-function(t, lambdaL, b, c){ Gt <-ifelse(t <= c, exp(- lambdaL * t),ifelse(t < c + b, exp(- lambdaL * t) * (b + c -t ) / b, 0))return(Gt)}## The integrand of zetazeta_integrand <-function(t, tau, lambda0,lambdaL, b, c){ integrand <- (exp(- lambda0 * t) -exp( - lambda0 * tau))^2*exp(lambda0 * t)/(Gfun(t, lambdaL, b, c) * lambda0)return(integrand)}## Use the integrate() for numerical integration# ?integratezeta_fun <-function(tau, lambda0, lambdaL, b, c){ f <-function(t){return(zeta_integrand(t, tau, lambda0, lambdaL, b, c)) } zeta <-integrate(f, lower =0, upper = tau)return(zeta$value)}################################################################# Part II. Generate the numerical results in Section 6.2.2 #################################################################zeta_fun(tau=5,lambda0=0.2,lambdaL=0.01,b=2,c=4)library(survival)############################################### GBC study##############################################read in the complete datagbc <-read.table("Data//German Breast Cancer Study//gbc.txt")#subset to first event data#Sort the data by time within each ido <-order(gbc$id,gbc$time)gbc <- gbc[o,]#get the first row for each iddata.CE <- gbc[!duplicated(gbc$id),]#set status=1 if status==2 or 1data.CE$status <- (data.CE$status>0)+0## restrict to the subgroup of post-menopausal## women with no hormonal treatmentpilot <- data.CE[data.CE$meno==2&data.CE$hormone==1,]n <-nrow(pilot)## n=209, consistent with the # in Table 1.1 of Chapter 1# calculate the event rate# convert time from month to yearpilot$time <- pilot$time/12lambda0 <-sum(pilot$status>0)/sum(pilot$time)# lambda0=0.174### Design for the new study# Accrual period: b=2 years# Additional follow-up: c=3.5 years# LTFU rate: lambda=0.01 per year. lambdaL <-0.01b <-2c <-3.5# calculate the parameters psi and zeta(tau=3, 5)psi <-psi_fun(lambda0,lambdaL,b, c)zeta3 <-zeta_fun(tau=3,lambda0,lambdaL,b, c)zeta5 <-zeta_fun(tau=5,lambda0,lambdaL,b, c)# Hypothetical treatment group# A spectrum of hypothetical hazard ratiosHR <-seq(0.6,0.9,by=0.01)# log(HR) is the effect size for Cox model# Hazard rate in the treatmentlambda1 <- lambda0*HR## Function to compute the corresponding effect size in RMST## based on the exponential distributionRMST_diff <-function(tau,lambda0,lambda1){return(lambda1^{-1}*(1-exp(-lambda1*tau))-lambda0^{-1}*(1-exp(-lambda0*tau)))}## for tau=3 and 5.theta3 <-RMST_diff(tau=3,lambda0,lambda1)theta5 <-RMST_diff(tau=5,lambda0,lambda1)# Sample size calculation for q=1/2 and alpha=0.05q <-0.5za <-qnorm(0.975)# Power=0.8, 0.9gamma_list <-c(0.8,0.9)# For each gamma, compute the sample size needed # for log-rank test and RMST tests# as a function of HRpar(mfrow=c(1,2))for (i in1:2){ gamma <- gamma_list[i] zg <-qnorm(gamma)# n for log-rank, 3-RMST, and 5-RMST ncox <- (za+zg)^2/(q*(1-q)*psi*log(HR)^2) nRMST3 <- zeta3*(za+zg)^2/(q*(1-q)*theta3^2) nRMST5 <- zeta5*(za+zg)^2/(q*(1-q)*theta5^2)plot(HR,ncox,type="l",lwd=2,ylim=c(0,7000),ylab="Sample size",xlab="Hazard ratio", main=paste0("Power = ",gamma),cex.lab=1.2,cex.axis=1.2)lines(HR,nRMST5,lty=2,lwd=2)lines(HR,nRMST3,lty=3,lwd=2)legend("topleft",lty=1:3,c("Log-rank","5-RMST","3-RMST"),lwd=2,cex=1.2)}## sample sizes at HR=0.8 and power=0.9ncox[HR==0.8]nRMST3[HR==0.8]nRMST5[HR==0.8]