4  Semiparametric Regression


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# This code generates the numerical results in  chapter 4       ##

# install.packages("WR")
library(knitr) # for formatted table output

# load the data
# head(non_ischemic)

# Descriptive analysis ----------------------------------------------------

# function to convert 1-0 to Yes-No
one_zero_to_yn <- function(x){
  if_else(x == 1, "Yes", "No")

# clean up data
df <- non_ischemic |> 
  filter(status != 2) |>  # de-duplicate
  mutate( # clean up the levels of categorical variables
    trt_ab = fct(if_else(trt_ab == 0, "Usual care", "Training")),
    sex = if_else(sex == 1, "Female", "Male"),
    race = case_when(
      Black.vs.White == 1 ~ "Black",
      Other.vs.White == 1 ~ "Other",
      Black.vs.White == 0 & Other.vs.White == 0 ~ "White"
    race = fct(race),
    across(hyperten:smokecurr, one_zero_to_yn)

## a function to compute median (IQR) for x
## rounded to the rth decimal place
med_iqr <- function(x, r = 1){
  qt <- quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  str_c(round(qt[3], r), " (", 
        round(qt[2], r), ", ",
        round(qt[4], r), ")")

# create summary table for quantitative variables
# age, size, nodes, prog, estrg
tab_quant <- df |> 
  group_by(trt_ab) |> 
    across(c(age, bmi, bipllvef), med_iqr)
  ) |> 
  pivot_longer( # long format: value = median (IQR); name = variable names
    values_to = "value",
    names_to = "name"
  ) |> 
  pivot_wider( # wide format: name = variable names; trt_ab as columns
    values_from = value,
    names_from = trt_ab
  ) |> 
    name = case_when( # format the variable names
      name == "age" ~ "Age (years)",
      name == "bmi" ~ "BMI",
      name == "bipllvef" ~ "LVEF (%)"

## a function that computes N (%) for each level of var
## by group in data frame df (percent rounded to rth point)
freq_pct<- function(df, group, var, r = 1){
  # compute the N for each level of var by group
  var_counts <- df |> 
    group_by({{ group }}, {{ var }}) |> 
      n = n(),
      .groups = "drop"
  # compute N (%)
  var_counts |> 
    left_join( # compute the total number (demoninator) in each group
      # and joint it back to the numerator
      var_counts |> group_by({{ group }}) |> summarize(N = sum(n)),
      by = join_by({{ group }})
    ) |> 
    mutate( # N (%)
      value = str_c(n, " (", round(100 * n / N, r), "%)")
    ) |> 
    select(- c(n, N)) |> 
    pivot_wider( # put group levels on columns
      names_from = {{ group }},
      values_from = value
    ) |> 
      name = {{ var }} # name = variable names 

# Apply this function to sex, race, hyperten:smokecurr 
# sex
sex <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, sex) |> 
    name = str_c("Sex - ", name)

# race
race <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, race) |> 
    name = str_c("Race - ", name)

hyperten <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, hyperten) |> 
  filter(name == "Yes") |> 
    name = "Hypertension"

hyperten <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, hyperten) |> 
  filter(name == "Yes") |> 
    name = "Hypertension"

COPD <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, COPD) |> 
  filter(name == "Yes") |> 
    name = "COPD"

diabetes <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, diabetes) |> 
  filter(name == "Yes") |> 
    name = "Diabetes"

acei <- df |>
   freq_pct(trt_ab, acei) |> 
   filter(name == "Yes") |> 
     name = "ACE Inhibitor"
betab <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, betab) |> 
  filter(name == "Yes") |> 
    name = "Beta Blocker"

smokecurr <- df |>
  freq_pct(trt_ab, betab) |> 
  filter(name == "smokecurr") |> 
    name = "Smoker"

tabone <- bind_rows(
  tab_quant[1, ],
  sex, race,
  tab_quant[2:3, ],
  hyperten, COPD, diabetes, acei, betab, smokecurr    

## add N to group names  
colnames(tabone) <- c(" ", str_c(colnames(tabone)[2:3], " (N=", table(df$trt_ab),")"))
## print out the table
kable(tabone, align = c("lcc"))
Table 4.1: Patient characteristics in non-ischemic cohort of HF-ACTION
Usual care (N=231) Training (N=220)
Age (years) 56 (46, 65.5) 54 (46, 62.2)
Sex - Female 153 (66.2%) 121 (55%)
Sex - Male 78 (33.8%) 99 (45%)
Race - White 117 (50.6%) 111 (50.5%)
Race - Black 103 (44.6%) 101 (45.9%)
Race - Other 11 (4.8%) 8 (3.6%)
BMI 31.3 (26.3, 37.2) 31 (25.8, 36.5)
LVEF (%) 25.1 (20.9, 31.3) 25.1 (20.9, 31.2)
Hypertension 129 (55.8%) 129 (58.6%)
COPD 21 (9.1%) 15 (6.8%)
Diabetes 71 (30.7%) 58 (26.4%)
ACE Inhibitor 174 (75.3%) 167 (75.9%)
Beta Blocker 223 (96.5%) 211 (95.9%)
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# PW regression analysis --------------------------------------------------

# re-label the covariates with informative names.

  "Training vs Usual","Age (year)","Male vs Female","Black vs White", 
  "Other vs White", "BMI","LVEF","Hypertension","COPD","Diabetes",
  "ACE Inhibitor","Beta Blocker", "Smoker"

p <- ncol(non_ischemic)-3

# extract ID, time, status and covariates matrix Z from the data.
# note that: ID, time and status should be column vector
ID <- non_ischemic[,"ID"]
time <- non_ischemic[,"time"] / 30.5 # days to months
status <- non_ischemic[,"status"]
Z <- as.matrix(non_ischemic[,4:(3+p)])

# pass the parameters into the function
obj <- pwreg(ID, time, status, Z)

# extract estimates of (beta_4, beta_5)
beta <- matrix(obj$beta[4:5])
# extract estimated covariance matrix for (beta_4, beta_5)
Sigma <- obj$Var[4:5, 4:5]
# compute chisq statistic in quadratic form
chistats <- t(beta) %*% solve(Sigma) %*% beta  

# compare the Wald statistic with the reference
# distribution of chisq(2) to obtain the p-value
1 - pchisq(chistats, df = 2)
#>           [,1]
#> [1,] 0.1016988

# compute score processes
score_obj <- score.proc(obj)
# plot scores for all 13 covariates
par(mfrow = c(4, 4))
for(i in c(1:13)){
  plot(score_obj, k = i, xlab = "Time (months)")
  # add reference lines
  abline(a = 2, b = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(a = 0, b = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(a = - 2, b = 0, lty = 3)

### Exercise: Stratify by sex ###
sex <- Z[, 3]
Zs <- Z[, -3]
obj_str<-pwreg(ID, time, status, Zs, strata = sex)