Main steps in data analysis

A simple workflow

Key functionalities include wrnet() for pathwise solution of \(\beta\) as a function of \(\lambda\), cv_wrnet() for \(k\)-fold cross-validation, and test_wrnet() for evaluation of test performance. Additionally, there are helper functions to calculate or visualize C-indices, variable importance, and more.

Data preparation

  • Initial data frame df in long format with id, time, status columns: subject identifiers, event times, and event status (1 for death; 2 for nonfatal event; 0 for censoring), along with covariate columns.

  • Partition into training and test sets by a specified proportion:

          wr_split(df, prop = 0.8)
    • Returns a list of training data df_train and test data df_test;
    • Default split stratified by outcome status.


  • Perform \(k\)-fold cross-validation on df_train:

           cv_wrnet(id, time, status, Z, k = 10, ...) 
    • Returns a tibble with columns lambda and concordance;
    • Identify optimal lambda_opt maximizing concordance;
    • Additional arguments, such as \(\alpha\in[0, 1]\) (default is 1), passed to glmnet::glmnet() for pairwise logistic regression on each fold.

Fit final model

  • Final fit on df_train under optimal lambda_opt:

        final_fit <- wrnet(id, time, status, Z, lambda = lambda_opt, ...)
    • \(\widehat\beta(\lambda_{\rm opt})\): final_fit$beta;
    • Variable importance: vi_wrnet(final_fit);
    • Additional arguments passed to glmnet::glmnet().

Test performance

  • Calculate overall and component-wise C-indices on df_test:

          test_wrnet(final_fit, df_test)
    • Returns an object with element concordance, a tibble containing the calculated metrics.