Statistical Methods for Composite Endpoints: Win Ratio and Beyond

Chapter 1. Introduction

Lu Mao

Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Aug 3, 2024


  • Examples and regulatory guidelines
  • Traditional methods
    • Time to first event
    • Weighted total events (Wcompo package)
  • Win ratio and hierarchical endpoints
    • The estimand issue

\[\newcommand{\d}{{\rm d}}\] \[\newcommand{\T}{{\rm T}}\] \[\newcommand{\dd}{{\rm d}}\] \[\newcommand{\cc}{{\rm c}}\] \[\newcommand{\pr}{{\rm pr}}\] \[\newcommand{\var}{{\rm var}}\] \[\newcommand{\se}{{\rm se}}\] \[\newcommand{\indep}{\perp \!\!\! \perp}\] \[\newcommand{\Pn}{n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n}\] \[ \newcommand\mymathop[1]{\mathop{\operatorname{#1}}} \] \[ \newcommand{\Ut}{{n \choose 2}^{-1}\sum_{i<j}\sum} \] \[ \def\a{{(a)}} \def\b{{(1-a)}} \def\t{{(1)}} \def\c{{(0)}} \def\d{{\rm d}} \def\T{{\rm T}} \]

Example and Guidelines

Motivating Example: Colon Cancer

  • Landmark colon cancer trial
    • Population: 619 patients with stage C disease (Moertel et al., 1990)
    • Arms: Levamisole + fluorouracil (\(n=304\)) vs control (\(n=315\))
    • Endpoint: relapse-free survival (log-rank test p<0.001)
      • Death = relapse
      • 258 deaths (89%) after relapse ignored

Motivating Example: HF-ACTION

  • A cardiovascular trial (HF-ACTION)
    • Subpopulation: 426 heart failure patients (O’Connor et al., 2009)
    • Arms: Exercise training + usual care (\(n=205\)) vs usual care (\(n=221\))
    • Endpoint: hospitalization-free survival (log-rank test p=0.100)
      • Death = hospitalization
      • 82 (88%) deaths + 707 (69%) recurrent hospitalizations ignored

Composite Endpoints

  • Traditional composite endpoint (TCE)
    • Time to first event
      • Relapse/Progression-free survival
      • First major adverse cardiac event (MACE): death, heart failure, myocardio-infarction, stroke (event-free survival)
    • Limitations
      • Lack of clinical priority
      • Statistical inefficiency (waste of data)
  • Hierarchical composite endpoint (HCE)
    • Example: Death > nonfatal MACE > six-minute walk test (6MWT)/NYHA class

Why Composite

  • Advantages

    • More events \(\to\) higher power \(\to\) smaller sample size/lower costs

    • No need for multiplicity adjustment

    • A unified measure of treatment effect

    ICH-E9 “Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials” (ICH, 1998)

    • “There should generally be only one primary variable”
    • “If a single primary variable cannot be selected …, another useful strategy is to integrate or combine the multiple measurements into a single or composite variable …”
    • “[composite endpoint] addresses the multiplicity problem without adjustment to the type I error”

Regulatory Guidelines: FDA

  • Main points

    • Typically first event but can do total events
    • Component-wise analysis important for interpretation

    FDA Guidance for Industry: “Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials” (FDA, 2022)

    • “Composite endpoints are often assessed as the time to first occurrence of any one of the components, …, it also may be possible to analyze total endpoint events”
    • “The treatment effect on the composite rate can be interpreted as characterizing the overall clinical effect when the individual events all have reasonably similar clinical importance”
    • “…analyses of the components of the composite endpoint are important and can influence interpretation of the overall study results”

Regulatory Guidelines: Europe

  • Main points

    • Combine events of similar importance
    • Include mortality as a component

    European Network for Health Technology Assessment “Endpoints used for Relative Effectiveness Assessment – Composite Endpoints” (EUnetHTA, 2015)

    • “All components of a composite endpoint should be separately defined as secondary endpoints and reported with the results of the primary analysis”
    • “Components of similar clinical importance and sensitivity to intervention should preferably be combined”
    • “If adequate, mortality should however be included if it is likely to have a censoring effect on the observation of other components”

A Tricky Example

  • The EMPA-REG Trial (NCT01131676)
    • Population: 7,020 patients with type 2 diabetes (Zinman et al., 2015)
    • Treatment arms: Empagliflozin vs control
    • Endpoint: Time to first CV death, nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke

Traditional Composites

Data and Notation

  • Full data \(\mathcal H^*(\infty)\)
    • \(D\): survival time; \(N^*_D(t)=I(D\leq t)\)
    • \(N^*_1(t), \ldots, N^*_K(t)\): counting processes for \(K\) nonfatal event types
    • Cumulative data: \(\mathcal H^*(t)=\{N^*_D(u), N^*_1(u), \ldots, N^*_K(u):0\leq u\leq t\}\)
  • Observed (censored) data \(\{\mathcal H^*(X), X\}\)
    • \(\mathcal H^*(X)\): outcomes up to time \(X\)
    • \(X=D\wedge C\): length of follow-up (\(a\wedge b = \min(a, b)\))
    • \(C\): independent censoring time
    • Goal: estimate/test features of \(\mathcal H^*(\infty)\) using \(\{\mathcal H^*(X), X\}\)

First Event

  • Univariate endpoint
    • \(N^*_{\rm TFE}(t) = I\{N^*_D(t)+\sum_{k=1}^KN^*_k(t)\geq 1\}\)

      • \(I(\cdot)\): 0-1 indicator
    • \(\tilde T\): time to first event

      • Kaplan–Meier curve, log-rank test, Cox model
  • Component-wise weighting
    • Upweight death over nonfatal events
      • E.g., Death = 2 \(\times\) hospitalization

Total Events

  • Weighted composite event process
    • \(N^*_{\rm R}(t)=w_DN^*_D(t)+\sum_{k=1}^Kw_kN^*_k(t)\)
      • \(w_D, w_1, \ldots, w_K\): weights to death and nonfatal events
    • Proportional means model (Mao & Lin, 2016) \[ E\{N^*_{\rm R}(t)\mid Z\} = \exp(\beta^\T Z)\mu_0(t) \]
      • \(\exp(\beta)\): mean ratio of weighted total events comparing treatment \((Z=1)\) vs control \((Z=0)\)
    • R-package: Wcompo

Software: Wcompo::CompoML()

  • Basic syntax
    • id: unique patient identifier; time: event times; status: event types (1: death; 2,...,K nonfatal event types; Z: covariate matrix)
    • w: \(K\)-vector of weights to event types 1 (death), 2,...,K (nonfatal events); default is unweighted
obj <- CompoML(id, time, status, Z, w = c(2, 1))
  • Output: a list of class CompoML
    • obj$beta: \(\hat\beta\); obj$var: \(\hat\var(\hat\beta)\)
    • plot(obj, z): plot mean function \(\exp(\hat\beta^{\rm T} z)\hat\mu_0(t)\)

HF-ACTION: An Example

  • High-risk subgroup (n=426)
    • Baseline cardiopulmonary exercise (CPX) test \(\leq\) 9 min
Table 1: Summary statistics for a high-risk subgroup (n=426) in HF-ACTION trial.
Usual care (N = 221) Exercise training (N = 205)
Age ≤ 60 years 122 (55.2%) 128 (62.4%)
> 60 years 99 (44.8%) 77 (37.6%)
Follow-up (months) 28.6 (18.4, 39.3) 27.6 (19, 40.2)
Death 57 (25.8%) 36 (17.6%)
Hospitalizations 0 51 (23.1%) 60 (29.3%)
1-3 114 (51.6%) 102 (49.8%)
4-10 49 (22.2%) 39 (19%)
>10 7 (3.2%) 4 (2%)

HF-ACTION: Preparation

  • Load packages and data
# install.packages("Wcompo")
library(Wcompo) # for weighted total events
library(rmt) # for hfaction data
library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling
# load data
head(hfaction) # trt_ab=1: training; 0: usual care
#>        patid       time status trt_ab age60
#> 1 HFACT00001 0.60506502      1      0     1
#> 2 HFACT00001 1.04859685      0      0     1
#> 3 HFACT00002 0.06297057      1      0     1
#> 4 HFACT00002 0.35865845      1      0     1
#> 5 HFACT00002 0.39698836      1      0     1
#> 6 HFACT00002 3.83299110      0      0     1


  • Data processing
# for weighted total by compoML()
## convert status=1 for death, 2=hospitalization
hfaction <- hfaction |> 
    status = case_when(
      status == 1 ~ 2,
      status == 2 ~ 1,
      status == 0 ~ 0)
# TFE: take the first event per patient id
hfaction_TFE <- hfaction |> 
  arrange(patid, time) |> 
  group_by(patid) |> 
  slice_head() |> 

HF-ACTION: Mortality

  • Cox model for death
    • HR: \(\exp(-0.3973) = 67.2\%\) (\(32.8\%\) reduction in risk)
    • \(P\)-value: 0.0621 (borderline significant)
## get mortality data
hfaction_D <- hfaction |> 
  filter(status != 2) # remove hospitalization records

## Cox model for death against trt_ab
obj_D <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ trt_ab, data = hfaction_D)
#> n= 426, number of events= 93 
#>           coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z      p
#> trt_ab -0.3973    0.6721   0.2129 -1.866 0.0621


  • Cox model for hospitalization-free survival
    • HR: \(\exp(-0.1770) = 83.8\%\) (\(16.2\%\) reduction in risk)
    • \(P\)-value: 0.111 (less significant than death)
# Cox model for TFE against trt_ab
obj_TFE <- coxph(Surv(time, status > 0) ~ trt_ab, data = hfaction_TFE)
#>   n= 426, number of events= 326 
#>           coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)
#> trt_ab -0.1770    0.8378   0.1112 -1.592    0.111


  • Hospitalizations dilute effect on death …
    • An EMPA-REG-like situation

HF-ACTION: Weighted Total

  • Proportional means model (death = \(2\times\) hosp)

    • MR: \(\exp(-0.15398) = 85.7\%\) (\(14.3\%\) reduction in total number of composite events)
    • \(P\)-value: 0.170 (less significant than TFE)
    • Limitation: Survival \(\uparrow\) \(\to\) cumulative total \(\uparrow\) \(\to\) attenuated effect
    # Total events (proportional mean) -------------------------------
    obj_ML <- CompoML(hfaction$patid, hfaction$time, hfaction$status, 
                      hfaction$trt_ab, w = c(2, 1))
    #>         Event 1 (Death) Event 2
    #> Weight               2       1
    #>         Estimate      se z.value p.value
    #> trt_ab -0.15398  0.11215 -1.3729  0.1698

HF-ACTION: Cumulative means

  • Model-based mean functions
plot(obj_ML, 0, ylim= c(0, 5), xlab="Time (years)", col= "red", lwd = 2)
plot(obj_ML, 1, add = TRUE, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
legend(0, 5, col=c("red","blue"), c("Usual care", "Training"), lwd = 2)

Lessons Learned

  • Adding nonfatal events \(\neq\) higher power
  • Solutions
    • Hierarchically prioritize death
      • Evaluate nonfatal components only on survivors
    • Quantitative weighting \(\to\) adjust for survival time
      • Loss rate = cumulative total / length of exposure (Ch 3)

Hierarchical Composites

Win Ratio: Basics

  • A common approach to HCE
    • Proposed and popularized by Pocock et al. (2012)
    • Treatment vs control: generalized pairwise comparisons
    • Win-loss: sequential comparison on components
      • Longer survival > fewer/later nonfatal MACE > better 6MWT/NYHA score
    • Effect size: WR \(=\) wins / losses
  • Alternative metrics

Win Ratio: Gaining Popularity

  • More trials are using it…

An Important Caveat

  • WR’s estimand depends on censoring …

  • What is an estimand?

    • Population-level quantity to be estimated
      • Population-mean difference, (true) risk ratio, etc.
    • Specifies how treatment effect is measured
    • ICH E9 (R1) addendum: estimand construction one of the “central questions for drug development and licensing(ICH, 2020)

Win-Loss Changes with Time

  • Illustration
    • Win-loss status, and deciding component, changes with time
    • Longer follow-up …
      • Parameters: win/loss proportions \(\uparrow\) (WR uncertain); tie proportion \(\downarrow\)
      • Component contributions: prioritized \(\uparrow\); deprioritized \(\downarrow\)

Trial-Dependent Estimand

  • Actual estimand
    • Average WR mixing shorter-term with longer-term comparisons
    • Weight set (haphazardly) by censoring distribution
      • Staggered entry, random withdrawal \(\to\) non-scientific
  • Testing vs estimation
    • Testing (qualitative): okay
      • Valid under \(H_0\), powerful if treatment consistently outperforms control over time
    • Estimation (quantitative): not okay
      • Pre-define restriction time \(\to\) use censoring weight for unbiased estimation (Ch 3)
      • Specify a time-constant WR model (Ch 4)




  • Composite endpoints
    • Death + hospitalization/progression/relapse
    • Regulatory recommendation
  • Traditional
    • Time to first: death = nonfatal (survival::coxph())
    • Weighted total: death = \(w_D\times\) nonfatal (Wcompo::compoML())
  • Hierarchical
    • Win ratio, net benifit, win odds: death > nonfatal
    • Estimand issue - ICH E9 (R1)


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