Defining estimand for win ratio

How to separate true effect from censoring

Lu Mao

Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics

University of Wisconsin-Madison


FDA/AdvaMed Medical Device Statistical Issues (MDSI) Conference

(April 3, 2024; Washington, DC)


  • Background

  • Censoring’s impact on estimand

    • Time frame of comparison
  • Two approaches to clarity

    • Nonparametric: fix the time frame
    • Semiparametric: posit a time-constant feature
  • Summary and discussion

\[ \def\a{{(a)}} \def\b{{(1-a)}} \def\t{{(1)}} \def\c{{(0)}} \def\d{{\rm d}} \def\T{{\rm T}} \]


Composite Endpoint

  • Traditional composite endpoint (TCE)
    • Time to first event
      • Major adverse cardiac event (MACE): death, heart failure, myocardio-infarction, stroke, etc.
    • Limitations:
      • Lack of clinical priority
      • Statistical inefficiency (waste of data)
  • Hierarchical composite endpoint (HCE)
    • Example: Death > nonfatal MACE > six-minute walk test (6MWT)/NYHA class

Win Ratio: Basics

  • A common approach to HCE
    • Proposed and popularized by Pocock et al. (2012)
    • Treatment vs control: generalized pairwise comparisons
    • Win-loss: sequential comparison on components
      • Longer survival > fewer/later nonfatal MACE > better 6MWT/NYHA score
    • Effect size: WR \(=\) wins / losses
  • Alternative metrics
    • Proportion in favor (net benefit): PIF \(=\) wins \(-\) losses
    • Win odds: WO \(=\) (wins \(+\) \(2^{-1}\)ties) / (losses \(+\) \(2^{-1}\)ties)

Win Ratio: Gaining Popularity

  • More trials are using it…

Estimand vs Censoring

An Important Caveat

  • WR’s estimand depends on censoring …

  • What is an estimand?

    • Population-level quantity to be estimated
      • Population-mean difference, (true) risk ratio, etc.
    • Specifies how treatment effect is measured
    • ICH E9 (R1) addendum: estimand construction one of the “central questions for drug development and licensing(ICH, 2020)

Time Frame of Comparison

  • Cause of dependency on censoring
    • Censoring \(\to\) time frame of comparison \(\to\) magnitude of win/loss probabilities
  • Example
    • Pair 1: one patient censored at year 1, the other \(>1\) year
      • Compared over \([0, 1]\) year
    • Pair 2: neither patient censored until year 5
      • Compared over \(> [0, 5]\) years
      • More events \(\to\) fewer ties \(\to\) higher win/loss proportions
      • Prioritized components more likely conclusive, harder to pass

Win-Loss Changes with Time

  • Illustration
    • Win-loss status, and deciding component, changes with time
    • Longer follow-up …
      • Parameters: win/loss proportions \(\uparrow\) (WR uncertain); tie proportion \(\downarrow\)
      • Relative contribution: prioritized \(\uparrow\); deprioritized \(\downarrow\)

Trial-Dependent Estimand

  • Actual estimand
    • Average WR mixing shorter-term with longer-term comparisons
    • Weight set (haphazardly) by censoring distribution
      • Staggered entry, random withdrawal \(\to\) non-scientific
  • Testing vs estimation
    • Testing (qualitative): okay
      • Valid under \(H_0\), powerful if treatment consistently outperforms control over time
    • Estimation (quantitative): not okay
      • Needs a generalizable target quantity (scientific estimand)
      • Unaffected by length of trial, rates of patient accrual/loss to follow-up, etc.

Two Approaches to Meaningful Estimand

General Strategies

  • Goal: a meaningful, generalizable WR estimand
    • Unaffected by censoring distribution
  • Key strategy
    • Be proactive on time frame of comparison
  • Approaches
    • Choose a fixed time (nonparametric)
    • Model time trajectory with a constant parameter (semiparametric)

Time Restriction - Univariate

  • Outcome data
    • \(D^\a\): survival time for a patient in group \(a\) (\(1\): treatment; \(0\): control)
      • \(S^\a(t) = P(D^\a>t)\)
  • Time restriction: a familiar concept
    • Five-year survival rate of breast cancer patients
      • Estimand: \(S^\t(\tau) - S^\c(\tau)\)
    • Five-year average survival time
      • Estimand: \(E\{\min(D^\t, \tau)\} - E\{\min(D^\c, \tau)\}\)
      • Restricted mean survival time (RMST)
    • Restriction time \(\tau=5\) years (pre-specify)

Time Restriction - WR

  • Two-tiered composite
    • \(D^\a\): survival time; \(T^\a\): time to (first) nonfatal MACE
  • Restricted win/loss probability
    • Image all patients followed up to \(\tau\) \[\begin{align}\label{eq:wl_2comp} w_{a, 1-a}(\tau) &= \underbrace{P\{D^\b < \min(D^\a, \tau)\}}_{\mbox{win on survival}}\\ & + \underbrace{P\{\min(D^\t, D^\c) > \tau, T^\b < \min(T^\a, \tau)\}}_{\mbox{tie on survival, win on nonfatal event}} \end{align}\]
    • Restricted WR: \({\rm WR}(\tau)=w_{1, 0}(\tau)/w_{0, 1}(\tau)\)

Time Restriction - Estimation

  • General case
    • Formulate win/loss probability as function of time based on uncensored outcomes
    • Pick restriction time \(\tau\)
  • Estimation: must handle censoring properly

Time Restriction - A Variation

  • Take time difference into account
    • \(w_{a, 1-a}(\tau)\): win probability by \(\tau\) \(\to\) average win time by \(\tau\)
    • Restricted mean time in favor: \(w_{1, 0}(\tau) - w_{0, 1}(\tau)\) (Mao, 2023)
      • R-package: rmt (Mao, 2021)
      • Colon cancer trial: levamisole + fluorouracil (\(n =\) 304) vs control (\(n =\) 314)
Table 1: Restricted mean times in favor of treatment in a colon cancer trial by τ = 7.5 years.
Estimate (yrs) 95% CI (yrs) P-value
Death 0.62 (0.20, 1.04) 0.004
Recurrence 0.35 (0.21, 0.49) <0.001
Overall 0.97 (0.47, 1.46) <0.001

Temporal Modeling

  • Cox proportional hazards (PH) model
    • Time-varying hazard \(\stackrel{\rm PH}{\longrightarrow}\) time-constant hazard ratio (global effect)
    • Checking proportionality: score residuals
  • A proportional win-fractions (PW) model
    • Time-varying win-loss probability \(\stackrel{\rm PW}{\longrightarrow}\) time-constant win ratio (global effect) (Mao & Wang, 2021a; T. Wang & Mao, 2022) \[\begin{equation}\label{eq:pw} \frac{w_{1, 0}(t)}{w_{0, 1}(t)} = \exp(\theta) \mbox{ for some $\theta$ and all } t \end{equation}\]
      • \(\exp(\hat\theta)\): standard or time-weighted WR statistic
      • R-package: WR (Mao & Wang, 2021b)

Checking Proportionality

  • Cumulative residuals
    \[\hat{\mbox{resid}}(t) = \mbox{(Observed wins by $t$)} - \mbox{(Model-based wins by $t$)}\]

Covariate Adjustment

  • HF-ACTION trial

    • Exercise training \((n=1051)\) vs usual care \((n=1054)\) \[\begin{equation}\label{eq:pw_cov} \frac{w_{z, z'}(t)}{w_{z', z}(t)} = \exp\{\theta(a - a') + \beta^\T(x - x')\} \mbox{ for all } t \end{equation}\]
    • Covariates \(x\): sex, etiology, CPX, medical history, etc.
    Table 2: Multiple PW regression for death > hospitalization in HF-ACTION.
    Win ratio 95% CI P-value
    Training v usual 1.06 (0.95, 1.19) 0.275
    Male vs female 0.72 (0.63, 0.82) <0.001
    Ischemic vs non-ischemic 0.87 (0.76, 0.98) 0.027
    CP exercise test (minute) 1.11 (1.09, 1.13) <0.001
    Atrial fibrillation 0.80 (0.70, 0.92) 0.002



  • How to separate true effect from censoring
    • Make a conscious choice on time frame of comparison
      • Fix it (nonparametric) or model it (semiparametric)
  • Time restriction vs temporal modeling
    • Restricted win-loss: model-free estimand, less efficient (WINS, rmt)
    • PW regression: may be more efficient if proportionality (constant WR) holds (WR)
  • Combine the two
    • IPCW + working model for locally efficient estimation?
    • Nonparametric estimand but semiparametric inference

Future Work

  • Sample size estimation
    • Standard tests: Gasparyan et al. (2021), Mao et al. (2022), Yu & Ganju (2022), B. Wang et al. (2023), etc.
    • Restricted WR: ??
  • Intercurrent event
    • Treatment non-response/toxicity/discontinuation (ICH, 2020)
    • Hypothetical: win/lose had treatment continued \(\to\) imputation?
    • Composite: death > treatment failure > lesser events?
    • Principal strata: win/lose among those who would not experience treatment failure if assigned to either group (identifiability)

For More

Mao, L. (2024). Defining estimand for the win ratio: separate the true effect from censoring. Clinical Trials, under revision.



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