Statistical Methods for Composite Endpoints: Win Ratio and Beyond

Chapter 5 - Discussions

Lu Mao

Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Aug 3, 2024

Open Problems

Covariate Adjustment

  • Different from regression
    • Marginal estimands for \(\mathcal H^{*(1)}\) vs \(\mathcal H^{*(0)}\), not conditioning on \(Z\)
    • Gain efficiency when outcome-covariate model is true, otherwise still valid (robustness)
    • Standard endpoints
  • Challenges with WR
    • \(U\)-statistic structure
    • Lack of likelihood structure

Interim Analysis

  • Purpose
    • Analyze interim data for evidence of efficacy/futility \(\to\) stop trial early
    • Univariate survival: information accrued \(\propto\) number of events
  • Challenges with WR

Intercurrent Events

  • Definition and examples
    • Post-randomization events affecting interpretation/existence of subsequent outcomes (ICH, 2020)

    • Death or treatment failure/toxicity/discontinuation (ICH, 2020)

  • Strategies by ICH E9 (R1)
    • Hypothetical: win/loss had treatment continued \(\to\) MI/IPCW?
    • Composite: death > treatment failure > lesser events?
    • Principal strata: win/lose among those who would not experience treatment failure if assigned to either group


Summary (I)

  • Composite endpoints
    • Death + hospitalization/progression/relapse
    • Regulatory recommendation
  • Traditional
    • Time to first: death = nonfatal (survival::coxph())
    • Weighted total: death = \(w_D\times\) nonfatal (Wcompo::compoML())
  • Hierarchical
    • Win ratio, net benifit, win odds: death > nonfatal
    • Estimand issue - ICH E9 (R1)

Summary (II)

  • Win ratio test
    • Standard: death > one nonfatal event
    • Recurrent events: death > frequency > time to last/first event
      • WR::WRrec(ID, time, status, trt, strata)
    • Sample size calculations
      • Gumbel-Hougaard copula for death & nonfatal event
      • Baseline parameters + component-wise HR
      • WR::WRSS(xi, ...)
  • RMT-IF
    • Net average win time on hierarchical states by \(\tau\)
      • rmt::rmtfit(id, time, status, trt)

Summary (III)

  • While-alive weighted events
    • Compensate for differential survival by \(\tau\)
      • WA::LRfit(id, time, status, trt, Dweight)
  • WR regression
    • PW model \[ WR(t\mid Z_i, Z_j;\mathcal W)=\exp\left\{\beta^{\rm T}\left(Z_i- Z_j\right)\right\} \]
      • \(\exp(\beta)\): WRs with unit increases in covariates
      • WR::pwreg(ID, time, status, Z, strata)
  • Generalized PO
    • OR of having worse and early outcomes

Learning Objectives: A Revisit

  • Have you
    • Understood the statistical and scientific challenges with composite endpoints as well as regulatory guidelines/requirements
    • Learned the basics of statistical methodology, e.g., testing, power analysis, nonparametric estimation, and semiparametric regression to address these challenges
    • Got hands-on experience with real data using publicly available R-packages

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