Plot the standardized score processes
Plot the standardized score processes.
- x
an object of class
.- k
A positive integer indicating the order of covariate to be plotted. For example,
requests the standardized score process for the third covariate in the covariate matrixZ
.- xlab
a title for the x axis.
- ylab
a title for the y axis.
- lty
the line type. Default is 1.
- frame.plot
a logical variable indicating if a frame should be drawn in the 1D case.
- add
a logical variable indicating whether add to current plot?
- ylim
a vector indicating the range of y-axis. Default is (-3,3).
- xlim
a vector indicating the range of x-axis. Default is NULL.
- lwd
the line width, a positive number. Default is 1.
- ...
further arguments passed to or from other methods.